
Showing posts from December, 2017

Can anthropology claim to be a science?

" Therefore if humans are "elusive" how is it possible to record, with a degree of accuracy that which can be slotted into our new understanding of science? Furthermore anthropology is more than just a study of people it is a study of the interactions of people that are different from ourselves. To capture this thought we should turn again to Carrithers (1992: 2), " Human beings do not just produce society, but society in forms which are incalculably various, constantly mutable, and labyrinthine in their elaborateness. "

Vogue and Harpers Bazaar

Herman maintains "Cultural workers and journalists in the media are not empowered to screen and write what they themselves feel" ('Media in the US political Economy', Questioning the Media. 1990: p75), whilst Tiffen similarly argues "Certainly proprietors have a huge scope to affect news content.... journalists' professionalism is vulnerable, only able to be exercised to the extent that their employers allow" (Tiffen, R The Media and Communications in Australia 2002: p36). However, both are quick to point out that content is not purely based on the opinion of proprietors.